Website Creation

Web  site


The website was essential to define the purpose of TheFieldCreative and for planting propositions for a potentially international audience. Acting as the primary source of information and communication there was need for with easily updatable templates.


We scouted university to find a website designer, some people expressed interest but were unable to follow through. Seb identified with the potential of TheFieldCreative and planning to define our requirements ensued.


The site was purchased. The design and programming was completed over two months, the designer also offered to host the website on his server at no cost.

Big thanks to Seb and Paul!

There have been three main evolutions to the site as the scope of TheFieldCreative evolved- the message, the projects, and way they were presented. Seb was our first, designer. Paul our second, then having learnt from them I forged the third.


The first version of the site was completed one month before we hosted our first two large scale events and was useful for projecting understanding, hosting booking forms, contact details for team leaders, etc. It was updated from time to time after it was live in terms of both programming and content, also with a journal function.

It never yet became the enabeling service portal for non-profit as idealised, those technical skills were beyond us all. However as technology evolves it will be simpler, and with specialist support increasingly possible.


Media promotion from radio and print has been directed people to the website for further information, it has been an essential foundation in sprouting TheFieldCreative from an idea into an organisation, though formally only a Student Club the aim is grand and need is great. Later as videos and documentatries were created as part of the project viewers were also directed to the website.


Well, sadly I ran out of cash and couldn’t renew the site. But the theories developed during the experience are worth far more. So whatever the name on the next burst, the learning and flow on effects from activities remain.

The next attempt will aim to offer a fully interactive portal to facilitate communication and collaboration on nonprofit Environmental and Social projects. A core through which to enable a sustainable transition into a charitable future. A catalyst to enable positive activity, facilitate employment, a range services, and sell fundraising products.