STACK by Arc and Christo


A parody poetic recital about crashing your bike.
Interwoven with Arc’s vintage learning to ride footage.
Learning to ride is dangerous.. STACK!

Instantly. Event sequence layer unloads.
Plummet pound!.. Slow motion review masses happens.
Boom- all senses decisions assessing effecting possibilifly.
Arms- arm and arm, elbows, hands, wrists, legs, chin.
To roll or not to roll is split second quiery here.
Quick like cat, stunned in shock, or slow even at best.
How do you handle, the event and events on after.
Those last thoughts, maybe your very last, STACK.
Physical transaction, physics on my- your biology.
A grind or slide coming, kindly or unkindly sum.
Too late to get back on track, can’t distract!
Shake me awake or let me learn, WHACK- SMACK.