The Judgmental Authoritarian (freEbook)

60 poems and 60 art pieces to confront, please, compose and convey.

A broad ranging mixed bag, loaded with colourful concepts and tone.


#ANicePlaceToDie #TheLastFacultyOfPersonalChoice  #BreakingHorses #ColdHeartedCashHumper #HeySkinLetsPartner #ParsleyWasMissing #ThePassionPickers #WouldYouCareToWashMyHair #PostIndustrialBirdLife #ArtificiallyInseminated #WindowToSoho #TheConductOfConductors #Charity #PersonalBlimps #RunWithTheSun #TheJudgementalAuthoritarian #ThisLittlePiggyHadNone #StopTheTrain #TheFirstToSayHello #ThisIsWhatTheyWore #FlyBall #HomeMadeWings #WithFeathersOnHisFeet #TheLanguageOfFrisbee #PackOfDogCards #OverMinedAndUnderValued #DudeRidge #BackwardsAndSidewaysCouncil #GenreDefiant #ToothBrushOnFloor #RecognisingTheBear #LiliaAndRobert #WinterWouldBeWarmerWithYouHere #DistressedTorso #Chocolatte #TheButchersSon #Stripe #GiantScrews #WhoPickedTheLuckyDip #PoorPoet #FaceFullOfThorns #KittyEpiphany #YoureMakingMyPantsWet #ManyAntsMakeLightWork #GuttersTheirRoadsAndSideWalks #WhoPickedTheLuckyDip #FatBatInABigFig #BehindTheTimes #IWasMadeToMeetYou #DesignUsADuck #BioWreck #ThisStrikeIsLightening #AGoldenHolden #ASevenInTheSittingRoom #WhatMakesAnAnthem #Rain #MusicWillSaveUsAll #PickingOnThePublic #AFallingLeaf #GuestList #TheRoguesRebellion

The freEbook concept is akin to busking on the net. Put it all out there and if people are impressed and wish to support- can.


This book, and my others are also freEbooks, thus yes are free! C:

All original hand written prose.

The freEbook concept is like busking digitally. Expose the work, and if people dig it, and are able, can donate what they feel.

If you want to support my creative process, like what have done, and wish next. Then instead of the PayPal button at the bottom of the page, visit the “Donate” page on to do a direct bank transfer and cut out the PayPal fee? c; TY!!