Don’t Personify The Sand Bag

8. Don't Personify The Sand Bag

Don´t Personify The Sand Bag

Bob Bing- introducing and sending off away.

Catapult up out then parachute- glide, test drive.

Test dummy, facials funny, possibly painted on perhaps.

It does not have a nervous system, Bob doesn´t.

As the wind builds up, there is no anticipation.

Expect no words to break the tension, not a peep.

Tense muscles, massive pupils, heart race, no no no!

No! As sent out Bob does not, but miniatures do.

The sum of microscopic life forms on- within unknowingly.

They are all leveraged aloft the gains of gravity.

Mr. Bing however is not sentient, no fear, ideal candidate.

Bobs heart does not throb hard, there is no sweat mate.

A sand bag, may as well be an old ladys hand bag.

So was sent soaring, wind whistling in his face.

And not even a hint of relief as parachute came to pop.
