Exhibition with Arc

My son, Arc Warner is now 3 years old.

We have been exploring with art, audio and video since he was 1.

I am as dedicated to preserving his works as I am my own, and over 6 books (hundreds of pieces of art) both collaborative and solo have been created.

He loves to draw and paint, to sing, play instruments and dance. Let alone his swimming, bike and scooter riding,  boxing, etc. We explore the range, as any child and parent does.

Yet, the exhibition envisioned will expose the artistic evolution.

Showing the works created, and at the exhibition create new works onsite. Collaborative kid and parent activities are foreseen.

And as I wish to create wallpaper for toilets with my poetry and art, wish also to create wallpaper from Arc’s works for kids rooms etc.

These are dreams, but this is a dream I am dedicated to.

A collaboration titled by Arc: “The world India.”