Selling my original art

Artist since a child, self taught and explorative.

And as a hoarder with obsessive compulsive tendencies, have kept everything clean and safe!

These full little poetry and art books are just the tip of the iceberg!

Thousands of pieces have been created, deliberately never sold one.

Have for over a decade aspired to setup a nonprofit agency.

And now is the time to start.

Questions: like how much to sell them for? What ratio of profit to nonprofit agency and to artists? How to remove them from my inventory and keep them pristine. How to present them? Where? C:

The perhaps arrogant prerogative is that everything is historical.

There is one piece currently for sale for 1 Million Dollars (AUD) 100% of profit if anyone likes my ideas enough to buy it. Will go to establishing the nonprofit/charity agency/ global solution I have dedicated my life to. And to make a doco on how that Mil is spent, and the flow that follows.

I have a few other pieces to sell for a Mil with the same 100% concept in mind.. 😛

Then for other original works, to actually setup a functional agency will be more reasonable prices.. 100K, 10K, 5K, 1K, maybe down to $500 for some scribbles? 😛

For other poor people (including myself) prints and books will be available dirt cheap, and of course free to view online.

And again for maximum accessibility, all my books created so far are visible digitally here on my website and fb for free as freEbooks.

Once the gallery/ agency is established other artists will also be invited to sell their original works through this nonprofit agency at some percentage? Where 100% of the aftercost agency cut goes to recreating public spaces, and enviro/ social services.

So, watch this space.. C: